Pittsford Community Church, Pittsford, NY (NAB) – 2021-Present
Senior Pastor: Rev Dr. Dana Goodnough
Brockport Free Methodist Church, Brockport, NY (FMC) – 2019-2020
Senior Pastor: Rev Andy Sass
We took the opportunity for a few months to worship with family at their church.
Kenwood Baptist Church, Louisville, KY (SBC) – 2017-2019
1-2 yr old Sunday School & Children’s Church Leader (Volunteer)
Senior Pastor: Rev Dr. Jim Hamilton
Associate Pastor: Rev. Dr. Denny Burk (Denny’s Blog)
Shively Baptist Church, Louisville, KY (SBC) – 2012-2016
Pastor of Education & Discipleship
Coordinator – Louisville Local Ministers of Education Network
Senior Pastor: Rev. Bill Gressette III
Worship Pastor: Mr. Ron Westman Jr.
First Baptist Church, Holley, NY (NAB) – 2007-2012
Senior Pastor & Lead Elder
Chairman – North American Baptist (NAB) Eastern Association’s Home Missions Committee
Victory Baptist Church, Albion, NY (ESFRBC) – 1998-2006
Deacon, Sunday School Superintendent, Adult Sunday School Teacher, and Community Outreach Leader
Senior Pastor: Rev. Daniel Milroy
VBC has a special place in our hearts. The church was started by my parents in their home after their move from Hilton to Albion in 1986.
Pine Terrace Baptist Church, Milton, FL (SBC) – 1987-1988 & 1994-1998
(87-88): Senior High Sunday School & Discipleship Training
(94-98): Deacon, Adult and College Sunday School Teacher, Discipleship Training Coordinator
Senior Pastor (87-88): Rev Emmitt Smith
Senior Pastor (94-98): Rev. Dr. Michael Wiggins
Faith Baptist Church, Corona, CA (BGC, renamed CONVERGE) – 1989-1993
Assistant to the Youth Pastor, Missions Committee Chairman, 4th Grade Sunday School Teacher
Senior Pastor: Rev. John Reed
Faith had a special place in our hearts: This was the church that cared for my young family when I deployed to Desert Storm/Shield (Kuwait), Okinawa, and Operation Restore Hope (Mogadishua).
Faith Baptist is no longer active. The property used to back up to the orange groves. It was sold and converted into commercial properties. (The SW corner of Main & Olive in Corona, CA.)

The US Naval Academy Chapel, Annapolis, MD – 1982-1986

Grace Baptist Church, Brockport, NY (GARBC) – 1971-1982
The church in which I grew up and was married.
Senior Pastors
- Rev. Paul Bantle
- Rev. Paul Dickson
- Rev. Bill Stevenson
Annual Biblical Counseling Training Conference – 1999-Present – Faith Church, Lafayette, IN
I have been blessed to sit under the teaching and ministry of some of the finest Biblical Counseling practitioners and teachers, including:
- Jay Adams
- Paul Tripp
- Stuart Scott
- Steve Viars
- James MacDonald
- and many others