Was Jesus Fully God? Was Jesus Fully Man? When Jesus walked this earth He was fully God AND fully man. So how is it possible “WAJW5 – Praying as Jesus Prayed”
Author: John Baker
Nye-Hamm Debate – Tues Feb 4th – 7pm EST
If you are interested in getting together to watch this presentation – let me know.
Infographic – CMS Guide
If you are viewing this from our home page, click below to see the infographic.
WAJW4 – Jesus and The Holy Spirit
Was Jesus Fully God? Was Jesus Fully Man? When Jesus walked this earth He was fully God AND fully man. So how is it possible “WAJW4 – Jesus and The Holy Spirit”
WAJW3 – How Real is Your Jesus?
Was Jesus Fully God? Was Jesus Fully Man? When Jesus walked this earth He was fully God AND fully man. So how is it possible “WAJW3 – How Real is Your Jesus?”
Part time Young Adult/Discipleship Associate
Dear Minister of Education, Our church is looking for a part-time Young Adult/Discipleship Associate. This person would work closely with me and focus on our “Part time Young Adult/Discipleship Associate”
WAJW2 – Walking As Jesus Walked
Was Jesus Fully God? Was Jesus Fully Man? When Jesus walked this earth He was fully God AND fully man. So how is it possible “WAJW2 – Walking As Jesus Walked”
Bren Loves Mountains
Thought of you when I saw this Bren! by alboardman. Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.
WAJW1 – What is a Disciple?
What is a disciple? Am I a disciple? Who decides? Me? When evaluating discipleship, we need to look to the standard (Jesus) and not ourselves. “WAJW1 – What is a Disciple?”
Please Excuse the Mess!
We are in the process of doing a web “mash up” – combining and consolidating several websites into one. Rather than close the curtains and hide “Please Excuse the Mess!”