Sermon: God’s Initiative – Incarnation Text(s): 2 Corinthians 5:11-21; Various Sermon #2 in the series: A Ministry of Reconciliation
Author: John Baker
CINTAS and Marine for Life
CINTAS is the leading provider of uniforms in the USA. We rent, sell direct, and manufacture uniforms and ancillary products and services. We also have “CINTAS and Marine for Life”
The move to vocational ministry
On December 17th John accepted the call to be come Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Holley, NY. You can reach our website by “The move to vocational ministry”
LOOK OUT! – New Driver!
It’s finally happened. I had to call our insurance company today and add a new driver. Our oldest son is now on the road, already “LOOK OUT! – New Driver!”
Little Ceasar’s Franchise Opportunity
Marine for Life has just released details about a program from Little Ceasar’s. The program is for prior active duty Marines who would be interested “Little Ceasar’s Franchise Opportunity”
Where we came from . . .
Well . . . this isn’t really a beginning, but more like a new beginning. TCG has been around (sometimes more in spirit than in “Where we came from . . .”
M4L Radio Interview
Marine for Life Assisting Marines transitioning from active duty as they re-integrate into the community. Major Baker was interviewed by a Christian radio network covering “M4L Radio Interview”