Title: Radical Risk and Reward Text: Various Presentation #8 in the series: Radical
Category: Radical
There Is NO Plan B
We are His plan for His purposes. We need to be on mission! Title: There is NO Plan B Text: Various Presentation #7 in the series: “There Is NO Plan B”
Check Your Blind Spot
We all have them. In order to address them …. we need to be aware of them. Title: Check You Blind Spot Text: Various Presentation #6 “Check Your Blind Spot”
The Multiplying Community
We are not called to be disciples … we are called to be discipling disciples. Title: The Multiplying Community Text: Various Presentation #5 in the series: “The Multiplying Community”
A Big Fat Why?
God has “saved us” so that we might enjoy His grace and extend His glory. Title: A Big Fat Why? Text: Various Presentation #4 in the “A Big Fat Why?”
Beginning at the End
Arriving at the end of yourself. Title: Beginning at the End Text: Various Presentation #3 in the series: Radical
The Beautiful Gospel
We all tend toward making everything about ourselves. It starts in the cradle and ends in the grave. So … when we consider the message “The Beautiful Gospel”
Jesus on Discipleship
What is the cost of discipleship? Is discipleship suppossed to be characterized by lavish blessings, or by costly perserverence? What did Jesus say? What does “Jesus on Discipleship”